Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Blue City Blues Part 2: Death of Batu

 Batu and Wujin Fen were quietly congratulated by the authorities of Blue City, and were offered support in making another foray into the darkness beneath.

Batu wanted to first return to the large pool they’d seen briefly on their first visit. In the words of ChatGPT (lightly edited):

Batu, the brave Baghatur, ventured into the labyrinthine cavern. His torch flickered against the damp stone walls, casting long dancing shadows. The air was heavy with the scent of earth and mineral, and each step he took echoed with a hollow, rhythmic thud. He was followed closely by Wujin Fen and his trusted retainers.

The tunnels were narrow and twisting, choked with stalactites and stalagmites, their shapes distorted by the uneven light. Batu's breath came in small puffs of fog as he advanced deeper into the maze-like passages. His senses were heightened, attuned to the slightest change in the environment, every sound and shift of air.

As the party turned a sharp corner, the tunnel opened into a grand chamber. The ceiling soared high above, lost in shadow, and the space was filled with a profound stillness. The torchlight revealed the underground pool that Batu had sought, its surface perfectly still, its depths unpenetrated by the glow of the torches. The pool's edge was framed by smooth, glistening rocks.

The silence was almost reverent, broken only by the occasional drip of water from the cavern's ceiling into the pool, creating concentric ripples that spread outward and then faded away.

Batu knelt by the pool, peering into its depths, and saw his own reflection mingling with a ghostly light beneath the surface.

Wujin Fen trailed behind Batu, his own torch casting a steadier, less frantic light than the flickering flame of his friend's torch. The cavern was a maze of echoing sounds and shifting shadows, and Wujin’s eyes were alert to any sign of danger.

Batu, had knelt by the pool, absorbed by its quiet majesty. Wujin’s sharp eyes scanned the surroundings, noting the eerily quiet atmosphere and the strange, bioluminescent fungi.

The surface of the pool began to roil and bubble, and a massive shadow emerged—a frog the size of a pony. It eyes glowed with a menacing light and its skin was slick and dark, blending seamlessly with the shadows of the cavern.

The giant frog's mouth opened wide as a horseman’s shield, revealing rows of glistening, jagged teeth. The creature’s tongue sprang from its mouth like a serpent; in a blink the tongue was wrapped around Batu’s neck, pulling him into the gaping maw. Batu dropped his sword and stumbled forward.

Instinctively, Wujin shouted the magic command words and thrust his hand out; a streak of green light blasted the frog between the eyes; instantly it sank back under the water, pulling Batu with it. Batu’s men flung their spears an instant later; too late, they penetrated the water without striking the frog, instead bobbing back up to the surface.

Batu’s men drew their swords and charged into the water, slashing around them on all sides. They waded waist-deep, to where there was a steep drop-off.  One of them retrieved his spear and plumbed for the bottom of the pool without success.

Batu’s second-in-command, Ulaan cast aside his shield and his helmet, ready to dive under. The others started to follow suit, until another one of their number, Altan stopped them, “Stop! Stop thrashing, be still and watch! Under the water!”

The men stood in place and Altan pointed, “Look there!” He pointed to a dark shape rising to the surface; the water roiled and bubbled, and the frog sprang into the air, landing on Ulaan. The men stabbed ferociously, but their spears glanced off the frog’s rubbery skin. Altan drew a dagger and drove its point into the back of the frog’s head. The frog buckled, but Altan held on, jumping onto the frog’s back. The frog jumped backward into the water and still clung tightly.  The frog dove and Altan went with it, twisting the knife deeper. When the frog stopped thrashing, Altan rolled under it and gave it a fierce kick toward the surface. He swam up to the surface gasping for air. The dead frog popped up a few moments later; the other men grabbed it and dragged it to shore. They cut the frog open and found Batu’s body. Ulaan was also dead. The other men gave Batu’s sword and armor to Altan, recognizing his valor and declaring him their new leader. He ordered the bodies of Batu and Ulaan to be laid out with reverence, their faces covered with blue cloth.

“And now we must complete the mission on behalf of our fallen lord.”

Alongside Wujin Fen, Altan navigated the labyrinthine passages with focused determination.

As they pressed deeper into the darkness, the sounds of their footsteps and the occasional drip of water from the cavern ceiling were their only companions. Their search led them to a group of teenage thugs, members of the gang they’d encountered previously, huddled in a small cave filled with garbage. They were hiding from One Law. Having failed at guarding the other hostages, they had deserted their post. They were clearly shaken by the cruelty of the One Law warriors, whose reputation for brutality had pushed them to flee.

Wujin and Altan, understanding the precariousness of their situation, approached the teens cautiously. They struck a deal: if the teens assisted them in locating the hostages, Wujin and Altan would ensure their safe escape from the cavern. The frightened young thugs, though initially wary, were swayed by the promise of safety and the evident strength of their negotiators.

With the teens’ guidance, the party navigated treacherous passages and avoided numerous traps laid by the One Law warriors. The thugs, knowledgeable about the layout of the caves, proved helpful in directing them past dangerous areas and hidden perils. The uneasy alliance grew more cooperative as they worked together toward their common goal.

The climactic confrontation came when Wujin, Altan, and their newfound allies managed to surprise the One Law warriors in their lair. The battle was fierce, but the element of surprise and the combined might of Altan’s combat skills and Wujin’s potent magic turned the tide. The One Law warriors, caught off guard, were swiftly defeated.

With the warriors dispatched, the team freed the hostages, who were in dire need of rescue. The grateful hostages were escorted out of the caverns with the utmost care, while the teenage thugs, motivated by both awe and relief, led the way to a safe exit.

As they emerged into the fresh air, the weight of their ordeal lifted. The mission was a success—hostages were saved, the One Law warriors were vanquished, and even the once-dubious teenage thugs had earned the party's gratitude. Wujin and Ganbold, though weary, knew they had triumphed against overwhelming odds, securing both the safety of their charges and the respect of those they had helped along the way.

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