Well-outfitted, the party made their way to the Moathouse
along the usual path, and tried to enter by the main entrance. A few of the giant frogs which infest the
area attacked Fezziwig as he crossed the swampy moat by way of a pile of rubble
and debris. Although he was pulled from
pile of rocks into the mud, he slew his attacker and the rest of the party
killed or drove away the other frogs with arrows.
The party passed through the courtyard into the moathouse
itself. They explored the upper rooms,
killed two giant beetles, and harvested their glowing glands for use as a light
source. Godith showed them the way to
the lower level, warning them of the many dangers below. Thimbur threw a beetle gland into the pit,
illuminating it enough to satisfy that no undead creatures were lurking
immediately nearby and that the floor was cleansed of slime and mold and
mushrooms. They tied a rope to a spke in
the floor and descended into the pit.

Doge's Dungeon, a photo by ferrisnox on Flickr.
When this was done, Thimbur and Fezziwig donned the black
cloaks themselves and woke the sleeping man.
“It’s okay,” they told him, “we arrived just in time.”
Although suspicious at first because he didn’t recognize
them, Thimbur and Fezziwig convinced their captive that they were his friends,
and that while some of his companions had been killed, most were resting in
their bunks, and the intruders had been driven away. Yes, they said, they had come from the main
temple, and they had come to check up on how things were being managed. The captive was careful to avoid saying
anything bad about “Master” while also emphasizing that he was new and didn’t
know much about what was going on. He
did admit that some of the men were frustrated that they weren’t having as much
fun as they expected. “But I tell them,
it doesn’t come all at once, you have to work for it.” He was surprised to learn that they had
entered by way of the pit and hadn’t yet checked in with Master. He suggested that he should take them to
check-in with Master, pointing generally to where they would find him. And then he reached for his dropped sword
and, not wanting to take any chances, Fezziwig and Thimbur killed him.
The party retreated to the dungeon cells and hid the
informant’s body with the others. They
agreed that Godith’s sleep magic had very useful and that because it seemed
quiet in the area of the pit, and because that wasn’t a commonly-used entrance,
they should spend a few hours resting, tending to their wounds, praying for
continued protection, and give Godith an opportunity to study her magic books
and prepare the necessary ingredients for more spell-casting.
Soon, however, they were distracted by a strange grating
noise. After investigating several
potential sources, they returned to the place near the refuse pile where they
had met the black-cloaked guards. Here,
they met more black-cloaked guards.
Several of the party members were still similarly disguised and so
rather than attack, they initiated a conversation. This group was suspicious and wanted to know
about a missing patrol. When Fezziwig
suggested that they had returned to their bunks, the guards attacked, one of
them stabbing Fezziwig deeply with his spear.
Their leader sent one of their number to go and sound the alarm.
In the ensuing battle, two of Burne’s Badgers were killed. Fezziwig’s wound was very severe and the
party fully expected reinforcements to pursue them. Thus, they abandoned their dead, made a swift
retreat to the pit room, and climbed up the rope to the upper level. They cut the rope behind them and,
half-carrying Fezziwig, made their way back to Hommelet.
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